Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm Sorry!

Ok, so you may recall me saying I was going to blog a few times a week this year and you have probably noticed that hasn’t been happening. For this, I am sorry. I have plenty of excuses why I haven’t been but you don’t want excuses, you want improvement! I will try to start being better. ;  D

The reason I am actually blogging right now is, well, I can’t sleep! This has been a re-accruing theme since college. I don’t know what it is, I’m tired all day but then once I get in bed my mind just takes off! Plashblababbalabahurfappapbla! (Something like that)  a few friends of mine suffer from this same thing though so that kindda cool. It’s comforting to be on facebook at like 4 30 in the morning and have Sean Kennedy still up in Pullman. Sean, we should start having deep talks at night! Haha.

Because it has been sooooooooooooooooooooooooo long since I last blogged I guess I will just hit the highlight of my over all college experience so far.

  1. Classes – They are pretty legit. I’m in a University Seminar about engineering and other shenanigans that is actually pretty interesting. I recently wrote my first paper of college in that class and am quite pleased with the out come! My Psychology prof is so cool! He makes the class fun to go to! He doesn’t even really cover much of the book during the 2-hour class but just discusses relevant topics and cracks jokes. It’s pretty chill. My econ class is a bit challenging. It’s not exactly what I expected but it is still interesting. There are just to many freakin graphs to memorize!

  1. People – Thankfully, I have met a lot of really great people here at SPU so far. All of them have made college so much more enjoyable. My roommates are great and I have developed good friendships with both of them. My floor is really chill and homey. It’s great to be able to come back to my dorm after a long day and have a grand group of guys to un-wined with. Whether it be a 1 am run with Cam, Justin, Ian and Nick to Dick’s, a deep conversation with my SMC or “Dad” or just chillaxin in the lounge with whomever; there is always something to do on 3rd Emerson. Also, to all my sisters on 2nd, 4th and 5th, you rock! Thank you for making me coffee, letting me meander throughout your rooms and do homework, watch Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan movies, discuss life or just chill! It really means a lot to me! Oh, and Zoey, I promise I will stop with the marriage proposals! Hahaha!

  1. Home – I have been home twice since college started and both times have been so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! This past week I was able to head home for like 6 days and I can’t even describe how nice it was. The best thing about going home is how nothing has changed, especially with my lovely group of friends. We can not talk for a month and when I return we all hang out and chill like we have always done. It makes me so happy :  ) I love you guys! (You know who you are) My best friend Josh left today for 3 months of Marine boot camp and I am very happy we got to hang out this past week. Like with everyone else, we hadn’t seen each other for like 2 months and we just hung out, drove around (while judging people of course hahaha!), played monopoly (Tehe!) and had a grand old time! Not to sound full of my self or anything but I think the friendships I have with everyone back home is what all friends should strive to be. It makes me so happy that’s what I will have to return to throughout my life.

So, in conclusion (haha, horrible topic sentence! Daughter Porter, make sure your father doesn’t see that!) Life is goin pretty smoothly! Things I am looking forward to include: 1. Finishing out this quarter strong 2. Strengthening my friendships here at SPU as well as newly developed ones back home 3. THANKSGIVING BREAK!!!!! (Sydney and Josh, you will be missed!) 4. Resting over Christmas break and being with my friends and family for like an entire month! 5. Reading for fun! It is one of my more recent goals. I have discovered reading is very relaxing and puts me in a good mood 6. And finally, seeing what God has in store for me the rest of this year! I have been blessed so far! (Knock on wood!) Thank you everyone in my life for making it great, I love you all!!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Around 5:30 P.M, Wednesday the 22nd, I packed my remaining bags in to the car, had one final goodbye to my dog Lacey and picked up my last Starbucks on Queensgate. I was off to college!

Okay, that first part up their sounded a bit ominous. It really wasn't to bad. Packing was actually really nice because I found a ton of stuff that had been previously lost in the abyss call my room. Thankfully, two nights before I left the amazing Brenna held a fabulous going away/glee party for me! It was Gleetastic! To the people I didnt get to say goodbye to, I am sorry and i will make sure to say hey next time i'm in the tri!

But yeah, Move in went grrrrreat! My roommates Justin and Ian are so cool! we get along really well. It's almost like some divine force has us put together. We all go to bed really late, we all like sleeping in the cold, we all like late night slurpee runs.... the list goes on and on. It's pretty perfect! Along with the roommates, a fellow "4th roommate" named Cameron who's in a single room across the hall has joined our ranks. Together we are... ummm, well, theres few famous groups of 4 so I guess we are The Beatles. I'm Paul, Cameron is Lennon, Justin over here is Ringo Starr and Ian will be George. The Beatles have also befriended a lovely group off ladies on the floor below us, Amy, Lauren and Deanna. They be pretty chill. Last night, Cameron, Amy and I had freakin' amazing heart to heart to heart til about 9 in the morning! We covered topics ranging from fine literature and philosophy to favorite board games! It's pretty amazing! I have also been chillin' with a fellow tri-citian named Caitlin! She gave me a silly band of a dinosaur paw print, we are officially bffl's! haha.

So yeah, College is great so far. Classes start tomorrow and I am actually kind of excited! I miss you all at home and will let you know when I plan on coming up for a weekend visit! Keep it real tri-cities!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Post

Hello my internet friends! With my departure to Seattle getting closer with every passing minute, I have decided to create a blog to share my life with all my friends and family that i won't talk on a regular basis. If you know me, you would probably consider me a "talker". What can I say, I have a a lot to say and only 24 hours a day to say it! Hopefully this will help manage my constant stream of thoughts and opinions. I don't foresee it having a theme of any kind, it's more of a place for me to share significant events in my life that could maybe help you in some way (a giggle perhaps?) I plan to start posting on a regular basis (3-4 times a week) once i'm all settled in at S.P.U. Please enjoy!